Call for Entries
• Action/Adventure
• Animation
• Comedy
• Documentary
• Drama
• Fan Films
• Horror
• Mystery/Thriller
• Musicals
• Puppetry
• Science Fiction/Fantasy
• Student
• Web Series/Webisode
• Western
• Made in Georgia
• Review Only
Our goal is to recognize filmmakers whose short films demonstrate their ability to produce well-crafted motion pictures.
Best of Show Fall 2024 Season!
BEST PICTURE: “Bloody Fury” - Jordan inconstant
BEST DIRECTOR: Walker Whited - “Sakazuki”
BEST SCREENPLAY: Jeremy Samuel Lynn - “The Hunter's Lament”
BEST ACTOR: Oleg Blinov - “The Hunter's Lament"
BEST ACTRESS: Brienne La Flair - “She Wolf”
BEST CINEMATOGRAPHER: Philip Wages - “Sakazuki”
BEST EDITOR: Robert Sykes- “Sakazuki”
BEST SOUND DESIGN: Liza Slutskaya - “Police Divee”
BEST MUSIC: Deaton & Thomas Barnwell - “The Murder On Cape Melancholy”
BEST PRODUCTION DESIGN: Jordan inconstant - "Bloody Fury"
BEST VISUAL FX: Benjamin Grisel - “Bloody Fury”
BEST DRAMA: “The Hunter's Lament” - Jeremy Samuel Lynn
Award of Excellence: “Bleach Bone” - Josh Wagner
Award of Merit: "Brothers: A Civil War Story" - Matthew Donley & Zachary Gutherman
BEST DOCUMENTARY: “Police Dive” - Roo Alwazir
Award of Excellence: "Vines of Healing" - Ben Meadows
Award of Merit: "Voting Matters" - Rick Flynn & Rich Adler
BEST SCI-FI/FANTASY: “Bloody Fury” - Jordan inconstant
Award of Excellence: "She Wolf" - Brienne La Flair
Award of Merit: "Kurath Thor" - Sammy Jo Pendergrast
BEST MADE IN GEORGIA: "The Murder On Cape Melancholy" - Zach Echols, Edi Tingle & Christian Blaque Meier
Award of Excellence: "Remembering Brantley" - Stephen Frank Hilfiker
Award of Merit: "Dirty Work" - Sarah & Joe Sutherland
BEST ACTION/ADVENTURE: “Sakazuki” - Sean McCane & Ryan Dennett-Smith
Award of Excellence: "Violence Of Action" - Christian Brunetti, Renford Ligon, Scott Hunter & Ben Orisic
BEST WEBISODE: “HIRED! A Beautiful Bird Story ” - Mike Lewis, Nwugochi Lewis & Will Thomas
BEST STUDENT FILM: “Silent Sparks” - Zimeng Liu & Susu
Award of Excellence: "Buddy" - Yeonwoo Kim
“Bleach Bone” - Josh Wagner
"Bloody Fury" - Jordan inconstant
“Police Dive” - Roo Alwazir
- Sean McCane & Ryan Dennett-Smith
"The Hunter's Lament"
- Jeremy Samuel Lynn
"The Murder On Cape Melancholy" -
Zach Echols, Edi Tingle & Christian Blaque Meier
"Vines of Healing" - Ben Meadows
"Voting Matters" -
Rick Flynn & Rich Adler
"Dirty Work" - Sarah & Joe Sutherland
"Beacon of Hope " - Lisa Baba & Christine Keaten
"Betty Jean" -
Sierra Blake & Tom Regal
"Brothers: A Civil War Story" - Matthew Donley & Zachary Gutherman
"Buddy" - Yeonwoo Kim
"Conversion Van" -
Frank Monteleone, Kathleen Monteleone, Nathan Johnson & Brittany Yost
"Hearts of Men" -
Stefan Vino-Figueroa
"HIRED! A Beautiful Bird Story " -
Mike Lewis, Nwugochi Lewis & Will Thomas
"Kurath Thor" -
Sammy Jo Pendergrast
"One Less Lonely Ghost" -
Kennedy Fitzgerald
"Remembering Brantley" -
Stephen Frank Hilfiker
"She Wolf" -
Brienne La Flair
"Silent Sparks" -
Zimeng Liu & Susu
"Stone" -
Salvatore Cardinale & Colleen Ryan
"StoneHeart, an Undying Gift" -
Steve Hilfiker
"The Change" -
Scott Alan Smith
"The Walking List " -
Dylan Wood
"Violence Of Action" -
Christian Brunetti, Renford Ligon, Scott Hunter & Ben Orisic