Call for Entries
• Action/Adventure
• Animation
• Comedy
• Documentary
• Drama
• Fan Films
• Horror
• Mystery/Thriller
• Musicals
• Puppetry
• Science Fiction/Fantasy
• Student
• Web Series/Webisode
• Western
• Made in Georgia
• Review Only
Our goal is to recognize filmmakers whose short films demonstrate their ability to produce well-crafted motion pictures.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do you offer waivers?
A: No. We are a small, unsponsored festival and can only survive if we get enough entry fees to cover our costs.
Q: What is a seasonal competition festival?
A: We have a Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall season, and each is comprised of a 3 month entry period. Two weeks after the submissions deadline, the scoresheets and judges comments are sent out and a month later we have the actual festival.
Q: Do I have to live in the South to submit?
A: No. Our headquarters is in the Atlanta area, which is why it is called
the Southern Shorts Awards. We accept films from anywhere.
Q: So even if I don't get an award,
I'll still get feedback?
A: Yes! All entries receive an email showing the composite scores of the three judges
who viewed the film. This will show you where you excel and which skills you need to work
Q: Why should I choose Southern Shorts Awards?
A: It's a question of value. Our judges
are industry professionals who take the time to watch and
score your film. Many festivals use judges which may have absolutely no experience in the industry. Most festivals do not list their scoring criteria, and some will not even notify you that you didn't make
it into their event, much less provide feedback. As far as we know,
we are the ONLY competition where you receive a scoresheet at no additional
Q: I sent my film into a bunch of festivals and didn't even get into one.
Does that I mean I would get a low score from you?
A: Absolutely not. Festivals vary widely in how they staff and judge
incoming films, and most use only one person
to decide if it makes the cut. Southern Shorts is different. Every film is
viewed by three judges which makes your evaluation more objective.
Q: So I can get an award even if I'm not chosen to be shown at the festival?
A: Yse, if your film scores a compsoite of at least 70 out of 100 or your cast and/or crew score a 7 or higher individually. Only the top three scorers of each genre are screened at the festival as that season's best. As we grow, we hope to be able to make the festival longer and include more award winners.
Q: Will the film award winners be listed on your site?
A: Yes. We will set up a page listing each season's film winners which will also link to the video of that season's Awards Presentation.
Q: Do you accept experimental films, music/dance videos, commercials, trailers or PSA's?
A: We only accept films which tell stories in our main categories. However, we have added a "Review Only" category which will accept those film types listed above. "Review Only" films will receive a scoresheet and Judges Comments, but are not eligible to be screened at the festival.